Lymph Rescue is one of my favorite natural health care products! It produces lymphatic drainage and detoxes the lymph nodes. Why is is INCREDIBLY important to both detox your lymph nodes…
We have so many lymph nodes just under the surface of our arm pit area as well as around the body (see image below) and these little lymph’s have the job of fighting off infections. Lymph nodes pull out toxins and secrete them out of the body. When our under arm lymph nodes are continually coated with toxins like aluminum or blocked from sweating out the toxins they can become blocked and the toxins build up. All of the other lymph nodes in the body also can become overly toxic.
‘The lymphatic system is one of the body’s primary tools for fighting infection. This system contains lymph fluid and lymph nodes, which occur in critical areas in the body. Cancer cells sometimes enter and build up in the lymph system.
Lymph nodes are responsible for filtering lymph fluid and detecting chemical changes that signal an infection is present. When these filter points are in the armpit, doctors call them axillary lymph nodes.
As axillary lymph nodes are near the breasts, they are often the first location to which breast cancer spreads if it moves beyond the breast tissue. But cleansing and detoxing the lymph nodes and lymphatic system are not just critical for women, but for men as well! Poor lymphatic drainage, circulation and toxicity greatly impacts the immune system.
Use this product, Lymph Rescue to increase lymphatic drainage and detox the lymph node.
Instructions For Use:
Every night for 2 weeks, wash with warm water and gently exfoliate the armpits, throat area (entire neck down to the shoulders) and on the left and right sides of the pelvis. Then using the Lymph Rescue, roll the contents onto the lymph areas in circular motions for about 3 minutes on each spot. Allow to absorb in for 30-45 minutes, then wipe any of the remaining oils gently off of the skin with a damp towel.